Message from CMFSC President
Posted on: March 25, 2020
Coquitlam Metro-Ford Members and Families,
The COVID- 19 pandemic has highlighted again for us what is truly important in life – health, family and freedom! As a new grandfather of a 9-week premature grandson and son of a mother living in an Alzheimer’s care home in North Vancouver, the messages and direction provided by public health authorities and government could not resonate more strongly!
We are again reminded of what a great place we live in, when we see the leadership provided by Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Canadian Olympic Committee, amongst others, during this crisis.
We should also commend the efforts of our staff team, who right from the beginning have mobilized to look out for the interests of our members and their families by cancelling our Spring Break programs. Fortunately, this was quickly followed by direction from our sport governing bodies and local governments.
- Canada Soccer suspended all soccer activities (March 13, 2020)
- BC Soccer announced wider reaching suspension (March 13, 2020)
- Latest BC Soccer advise re: no soccer in April (March 19, 2020)
Note: BC Soccer Updates can be obtained here.
The closure of parks, courts and playgrounds has further emphasized the need to stay inside and when outside to maintain 2m/6ft distance, while maintaining contact with people from your household only!
We sincerely hope that reports of club teams and other groups practicing/playing soccer did not include CMFSC members or families! We know that BC Soccer’s Judicial body will be reviewing any such activity and issuing discipline/suspensions where appropriate.
We encourage all members and their families, while being diligent, to be kind and respectful to others, as one never truly knows what people may be dealing with or going through at this challenging time.
We wish to thank all professionals working in healthcare, emergency services and essential services for their support and dedication. Please recognize their efforts wherever possible.
Let’s all endeavor to do everything in our power to protect and support our community, so that when we look back on this period, we will be proud of having done everything possible to minimize the impact and duration of this pandemic.
CMFSC staff and Board are working hard behind the scenes on plans for upcoming programming and will communicate with those affected as early as possible given rapidly evolving circumstances.
At this time, Fall/Winter League 2020-2021 registration deadline has been extended to June 15th, 2020.
When we get back to the beautiful game, you will have briefly experienced the loss felt by retired players every day. We hope the experience will result in a greater appreciation of the true joy of playing soccer and watching our kids play!
Stay Home! Stay safe!
Alex Barnetson
President, CMFSC