CMFSC Remembers Daniel Strain
Posted on: February 11, 2019
Daniel Robert Strain was born and raised in Vancouver, BC on December 30, 1942. After moving to Coquitlam in 1976, he would start volunteering as a coach with his son’s team for the Bel Aire Soccer Club. For the next 18 years, he continued to coach all three of his sons with the various Clubs that transitioned through Coquitlam during those years, eventually becoming Coquitlam Metro-Ford Soccer Club.
He dedicated his spare time to coaching with a keen interest in improving the skills of the team, promoting fair play, and focusing on building the confidence in each player. Daniel was fully committed to developing not only the player but also the necessary life-skills and values to become a positive community member of BC.
As a coach, Daniel took his education and own development very seriously by participating in coaching, refereeing, and leadership clinics, and attained a Level II Coaching Certificate from the Canadian Soccer Association. Dan coached teams at the top divisional level and was District Champion twelve times and competed as in Provincial Cup.
Dan was a distinctive leader and excelled with his volunteer contributions for most of his adult life, particularly within his community of Coquitlam. His dedication of time was given freely and willingly. He truly embodied the Soccer for Life mentality and the impacts of his contributions to soccer will be felt for many years to come. Today his son Kenny Strain, carries his love for soccer and coaching within Coquitlam Metro-Ford.