CMFSC President's Message

Posted on: November 12, 2020

On the heels of Remembrance Day, we are reminded of the ultimate sacrifice made by those who served and the impact that War has on communities and families.  Hopefully, such reflection provides perspective and strengthens our resolve to support each other during these challenging times.  Such struggles and challenges develop strength and result in growth, both individually and organizationally.

COVID-19 has been a significant burden emotionally, intellectually, and financially on families and organizations alike.  Despite the stress of the unknown and constantly evolving knowledge, our club can be extremely proud of our response led by our staff team and supported by our volunteers and member families!  We have invested heavily in terms of time, energy and dollars to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the field.

Integral to this success has been our comprehensive COVID safety plan, the deployment of staff field marshals, the sanitization and distribution of equipment, as well as the constant consultation and communication at all levels of the organization. The efforts of our staff team have been exemplary and greatly appreciated, as have those of our dedicated volunteers!!

Although our revenues have taken a significant hit, dropping as much as 80% in certain programs, our Fall registration numbers have only dropped 13%! The impact on our financial health has been mitigated by our eligibility for the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy program and the unrivalled support of our community during this pandemic – thank you!! 

We can continue to take great pride in our club and the support provided by our community.  We are counting on your continued perspective, patience and perseverance as we work diligently to support families and maintaining access to the beautiful game.